Sunday, March 2, 2014

Volume i, Chapter IV: "F*&% the Police!"

Chance is standing in front of George and Alexx. They are all looking upwards standing in a spotlight.
George and Alexx are trying to shield their eyes, Chance is silently staring up. There are three aircraft hovering above them. Each appears to have several armored men with modified firearms.
Officer, “This is Sgt. Hirotoshi, of the Japan United Police. You are wanted for questioning in the vandalism of a state owned property.”
George, “that old warehouse?”
Alexx, “State owned, are you some weird experiment or something?”
Chance slightly turns his head towards Alexx but says nothing.
Another officer, “you two are free to go, unless you interfere or aide him in resisting, then you too will be cut down.”
Alexx, “it’s about nine of them, we can get past them if…”
Chance, “no”
Suddenly he jumps to land inside the aircraft that Sgt. Hirotoshi is in.
J.U.P. officer startled, “what the hell?”
Officer on another craft looking over, “did you see that, how did he do that jump with no tech or mech assistance?”
George, “he just left us down here.”
He puts his hands to his mouth.
“Hey leave some for us, don’t kick all their asses!”

WE see Chance standing inside of the doorway of the J.U.P. craft. The J.U.P. inside are aiming their weapons at Chance. The two other crafts have J.U.P. aiming at him as well.
Hirotoshi, “Everyone steady, don’t fire.”
Chance, “Are you the police of this age, what do you want?”
Officer, “this age, what are you? How did you do that without any tech?”
A female officer aiming two hand cannons at Chance to his right, “your trace signature was spotted at the scene of a crime. Your coming with us, now!”
Hirotoshi, “Calm, down Johnson. What’s your name?”
Chance glances as if noticing something. He look directly across to another craft at a J.U.P. officer.
He calmly says, “I am Chance Gamble and I am…sorry.”
Everyone gets jumpy as if about to attack, just then Chance turns his head towards the surface, “sorry for messing up your building but…”
He suddenly moves with great speed and is seen ripping two J.U.P. officers out of their mech armor. They were positioned about to grab Alexx and George.
 Chance continues speaking as he throws the two up inside the J.U.P. crafts, “ don’t mess with my friends.”
The two empty mech armors are about 7 feet tall, and motionless. Chance takes the swords they are holding then turns to towards the crafts.
Hirotoshi, “everyone prepare yourselves!”
Chance, “time to leave.”
Alexx and George look at each other then  grab an on to Chance and hold on tight.
Chance jumps up as Alexx fires at the front craft damaging the engine causing it to go down out of their way. Chance throws both swords with ease and accuracy as they pass between them. They are going down in smoke as well.
They soon disappear out of sight.
Hirotoshi as the ships are going down, “brace for impact. Officer Gibson, I want that feed when we get back. Stonebridge, I want a word after debriefing, we want to find out why he was looking at you like that!”
A voice over his earpiece, “yes sir, but I think I might know why?
Later we see Alexx and George walking as if not to be seen. Ducking and watching their backs.
George, “You sure you want to tell them? They might freak out.”
Alexx, “Yes, they will know what to do. They have been their for us before you know? Besides, we’re here already.”
We see a house that is huge and reminiscent of a feudal Japan home  of a lord. It has huge stone walls surrounding it. With cameras on top monitoring  and two mechs at least ten feet tall guarding the front door.
George, “come on we have to take our entrance.”
He is typing on his forearm keypad and what looks like a cellar door opens.
Later we see what looks like a court yard in shambles. Bodies everywhere of armored security personnel.
Alexx, “no, what the hell?!”
George, “J.U.P.?!”
They are running through the huge home each room looking the same or worse than before.
Alexx, “no, this wasn’t the cops, this was…!”
We see several individuals dressed in all black, in a large room. Covered from head to toe like a ninja of sorts. Their forearms are exposed, metallic with Dragons’ skull on the foreheads of the headbands.
Two are male one is female by the tight fit of her uniform, standing by a fallen statue of a lion. It appears to have been cut in half. She has two swords on her back but is holding staff with a curved blade. She is far off from Alexx and George’s position.
 One male is slim with two pair of nunchaku tucked inside his belt in the front. He is searching for something admits the rubble and mess. His back is to Alexx and George.
The other male is of fairly large build. He has no weapons. He is looking directly  at the siblings as they enter.
Alexx, “dammit, the dragon’s night!”
George, “Dragon’s night?!”
His tech gauntlet register’s the question, “Dragon’s night: assassin and task squad of the Dragon King. Dragon, see leader of the five dragon gangs of New Japan. Scanning…”
Alexx, “dammit George shut that thing up!”
The other two take notice and they all start to slowly approach.
Gauntlet, “DNA and tech scan complete.”
A small laser dot comes from the gauntlet acting as a pointer, and hit’s the female.
“Dragon’s Night member Tasha Shirogama AKA  Tasha of the swift kill”
Pointer hit’s the slim male, “Toshiro Walker AKA Silent Walker”
Pointer hit’s the main guy, “Joseph Francis-Lee AKA, Joseph of Death touch.”
Tasha, “now that you know who we are you may die now.”
Gauntlet, “extreme caution all wanted and dangerous criminals. Threat level with skill comparison is 7.5. Odds are against.”
Alexx I swear you need to put that thing on silent or either add a proximity warning!”
George, “oh it has one I just nerve turn it on. There it’s on now,”
Alexx, “I swear, George. Go”
Her eyes flash red then her body pulses with a jolt of power as she takes a fighting stance.
Joseph, “you really want to fight us? That is fine either way it only adds a few seconds on to your pathetic lives.”
George, “where are they…what did you do with our parents?!”
Toshiro, “you mean the people that lived here? None of your business.”
Suddenly Tasha is swinging one of her swords at George directly in front of him.
George, {dammit, she is fast!}
Alexx blocks with her guns crossed and kicks her away before it can go cut through her gun.
Tasha smiles, “big sis coming to the rescue huh. I bet that’s your life story isn’t it?”
Toshiro, “he looks like a weakling that can’t save himself. Always getting his sister into things, probably getting her hurting the process.”
George looks at his sister’s arms then down.
Joseph picks up on this, “oh, those arms are your fault huh kid? Too bad they aren’t strong enough to protect you tonight.”
Alexx turns, “George, look out!”
Right behind him is Toshiro, he grabs George and throws him through the ceiling, landing him on the roof. He follows directly after him.
Tasha starts fighting Alexx instantly cutting her guns in two and putting her on the ground with her foot on her throat.

Joseph, “wait, one moment.”
A crash occurs a few feet away. It is George beaten with Toshiro standing over him with a par of nunchaku out.
Joseph, “let’s keep family together shall we?”
Alexx looks over barely at George, she sees a blue light flash on his gauntlet, then smiles.
Gauntlet, “seven day adaptation period, over. Upgrade and tech DNA acceptance complete. Reboot started completion 15 seconds.”

Tasha tosses Alexx over to Joseph he catches her with one hand by her jacket collar, “what are you smiling at and what was that?”
Alexx, “Well my brother is a genius and you see, about a week ago he stole Guy from the Steel Dragon’s bike. Guy thought he was just being a stupid kid. No, he needed a part from the bike, the software that connects the bike to the tech in the person riding it. It is like what let’s us control our legs and arms, you know?”
Toshiro form over George, “yeah, so what? What does that mean?”
Alexx, “ well I’m not sure what all that nerdy stuff meant that he was trying to tell me, but one thing I do know…”
Gauntlet, “complete.”
Alexx, “your standing in the wrong place.”
George softly, “boom.”
Toshiro looking down, “what?!”
Suddenly George is doing a jumping knee to his chin, then grabs the nunchaku in his belt and lands three hits then finally kicks him knocking him back. The three hits landing detached his arms and one leg.
Tasha, “what the fuck?!”
Alexx, “I told him.”
Joseph grabs her by her throat ands squeezes, I still have you and he can’t take both of us anyway.
George is running towards Joseph when Tasha steps in front of him. He smiles, “boom.”
He sends a force form his body that pushes of balance, she can’t defend for him getting behind her and taking her sheathed sword. He runs her through from behind and slams her into the ground, before walking away he stomps on her legs and crushes them.
Joseph, “I see, very nice trick. But it won’t help you against me.”
Gauntlet, “warning…warning.”

Joseph, “even your damn computer knows better. This is over… mirror”
Suddenly a small flash occurs over Alexx and Georges eyes.
George is in front of Joseph and Alexx, “I got you sis.”
Joseph throws Alexx down and swings at George.
Alexx from the ground, “No George.”
George, “boom.”
He grab reaches for his arm but somehow misses then ducks the punch. He goes for the ribcage but passes right through him.
George, “what?”
Jumps up then comes down with a foot aimed at his head when he misses again.
George turns and his struck in the stomach and in the face then slammed against ground, knocking the wind out of him.
Joseph appears standing there un harmed, “you fool, once I activate my the it makes you see what I want  you to see. Your both about to die, your precious parents well…fuck ‘em!”
Gauntlet, “warning, close proximity.”
Joseph, “piece of crap, I am right here this whole time. Well the warning doesn’t help now anyway.”
George giggles, “That warning isn’t for you, it scans everyone present at activation. You were already here when I activated it. So it compares everyone’s threat level to what is coming closer.”
Joseph, “what?”
Alexx, “cough, other words it isn’t warning him of you. It’s warning us f whatever is coming.”
Joseph, “what the hell is coming that is more threaten to you than me, huh?”
George, “correct, it’s not coming. It is here.”
Chance appears, “and it’s standing behind you.”
He breaks both of Joseph’s cybernetic arms off and he then slams his face into a nearby wall.
Joseph, “shit, okay okay. The people that were here they were sold to some mafia lord in Great America. It was a deal between crime organizations, that is all I know!”
Alexx, “Your lying they were not sold!”
George, “if he is lying he doesn't know it. He fully believes what he is saying.”
Chance he slams his head again, “why were you here?”
Joseph, “shit, okay man. We were here to kill anyone that was connected to them and erase or destroy all evidence of the deal. Make it look like a home invasion form a low level gang.”

George, “Okay Chance, that’s enough, we need to get out of here
Moments later we see all three assassins laying motionless inside the battle laden room.

We now see an office door that says Hirotoshi on it. Inside he is sitting behind a desk as the Female officer, Stonebridge is talking.
“that is correct sir, that is what I believe is the reason.”
Hirotoshi, So what exactly does this mean if you are correct?”
Stonebridge, “honestly I am not sure.”
Just then the man that was scanning the crime scene walks in. He is wearing a closed black trench coat. They both stand up.
Man, “relax.”
Hirotoshi, “Captain Who, what brings you…?”
Capt, Who, “if it is true which you are not cleared to know, then that means we have to bring him in at any cost. This guy is more than he even realizes.”
Stonebridge, “what do you want me to do sir?”
Captain Who, “as of now you are promoted. You will be my partner on this case.”
Hirotoshi standing up, “what?”
Who looks at him with a glance and he sits back down.
Stonebridge, “really, but…”
Captain Who, “this is from above, above your father as well. You are going to help bring him in, Captain Rhodara Gamble-Stonebridge…”
 We see Chance standing on a roof top looking down at George taking Alexx into what looks to be a hospital.
Chance looks to the sunrise.
“…your Uncle, Chance Gamble, or kill him if he resists!”