Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Volume I, Chapter III: Welcome Home

This is the north side of Dingo-Xiao, referred to as the “Good Side” of the city. While it is true that it has the lowest crime rate in the city, it is not the richest by far or the most ideal. The low crime rate is due to the fact that a stronghold of the Strife is here. They take up the majority of the housing here, while the rest are older people and families.
Strife is the Emperor’s Private military force. They have the best men, tech drones, escorts and other weapons of all factions in this country and most of the world. They are listed under J.U.P. publicly but politically they are only answer to the Imperial Command System, ICS for short.
Strife does not handle the day to day problems of any city. Their strongholds are located around the country for strategic purposes only. They have immunity form Judicial affairs unless on an Imperial level. Although they are feared, they pose no threat to the local crime syndicates and hard heads. That is strictly for the J.U.P.
The J.U.P. is the Japan United Police, solely responsible for upholding the law and safety of the people in all of Japan United. So the public relations companion says.
We see George and Alexx walking with Chance behind them. He has his head slightly down, whit his hands in his coat pockets. His hair is partly  dry so it looks poofy yet slightly blowing in the wind.
George, “so are you stay quiet the whole day?”
Alexx knocks George on his head with her hand.
“Ouch” George rubs his head on top of his cap.
Alexx, “You idiot, your so insensitive. We just told him that every person he ever knew or cared about is dead. Plus the whole world is nothing like before.”
George with a confused look, “yeah, so?”
Alexx calmly, “your a moron.”
George, “whatever, i just wanna know how he did all that stuff back there  without any tech. He was probably a government experiment gone bad then they had to ice em to keep him from destroying the world. But now he lost his memory so we gotta show him the importance of humanity.”
Alexx, “George, sometimes i swear.”
Chance out of nowhere, “hey do you guys still eat ?”
George, “of course we eat, what kinda question is that?”
Alexx,” be nice George.”
Chance, “ well i mean aren’t you guys fancy robots or something?”
They both stop and look at Chance.
Chance i mean you both got those robot body parts and stuff.”
Together they respond, “What? We are not robots!”
Chance stops walking , “oh . well your what cyborgs or something like that?”
Alexx is rushing towards Chance but George is standing in front of her.
George, “Calm down he is just confused, it is probably the awaken sickness.”
Chance, “Gheez is this cyborgs act in the future? Your awfully rude, who programmed you?”
Alexx, “what?”
George is now holding Alexx back by her shirt as she tries to get Chance.
Chance gets distracted by something and begins to ignore the siblings as they argue.
He is looking around as if searching for something and then.
Chance, “There!”
Alexx and George stop and look at Chance, “huh?”
Chance grabs George and Alexx, then jumps into the air.
George, What are you doing?”
Alexx, “put me down you caveman!”
Chance tunes out their ranting and raving. soaring through the air.
Soon he lands on a rooftop.
Chance, “Yes, i knew it.”
He jumps with the two ranting again.
He lands on the street in front of a small building.
There is a short old man in front of it.
Alexx, “What was all that about you jerk!”
She is in his face yelling.
He calmly responds, “I’m hungry.  I thought you got the hint. Ok well, I guess machines
wouldn’t understand the concept of hunger.”
Alexx calmly, “I give up.”
George, “Uhm, what is this place?”
Old man dressed in a long brown robe, no more than five feet tall. “This is Ancient Chow, food made from the histories of old countries of he past.“
Chance is smelling the air, “C’mon!”
Alexx, “If you grab me one more time i will cut your arms off.”
Chance, “Gee your grouchy. well anyway, see you guys inside.”
He darts inside.
George, “hey wait I’m hungry too!”
Chance yelling from inside, “No your not, robots don’t need food!”
George before as he runs inside, “I’m not a robot!”
Chance, “Sorry, I mean cyborg.”
Alexx, “Oh, brother.”
She walks inside behind them. soon as she gets inside The place full of Steel Dragons. chance is staring at food at a buffet bar and George is trying to get his attention.
Chance, “Hey they got pizza, it’s pepperoni!”
Alexx yells, “Steel Dragons!”
Chance, “hmm? Steal, why? You don’t have any money?”
Alexx, “no, look!”
She points, to gt Chance to turn around. he sees a man dressed in a all black ghi, right behind him. He has a dragon tattoo on the left side of his face.
Chance, “great, i want a lemonade with my buffet, of and do you have ribs or french fries.
George, “Chance, That’s.”
Chance, “okay, okay make it three. Silly little guy thinks he can eat human food. Ha, ha”
The guy is looking at Chance confused.
The old man comes in, “Is there a problem James?”
James, “No sir, there is no problem. He thinks i am a waiter.”
Alexx, “you were about to take him!”
Chance, “Attack me?”
James, “attack me?”
He smiles and shows her a plate in his hand.
“I was coming for seconds, the chili dogs are awesome, mate!”
Chance, “Chili dogs? I love this place! I want 3 no 4 of them!”
Alexx and George look at each other confused.
Moments later, Alexx is sitting at a huge table with George, the old man, James and Chance.
Alexx and the old man are engaged in conversation while the others are stuffing there faces.
Alexx talking to the old man, “So these guys are not Steel Dragons?”
Old Man, “No, no. Of course not. They once tried or was forced into joining but realized it wasn’t the best decision.”?
Alexx, “So they just quit? But it isn’t that easy you know?”
She looks down at her metal arm and hand.
James stopping eating for a moment to intervene.
“Master Cline helped us out, he is great.”
He continues to eat.
Chance stops eating now, “Clint? What’s with these names? I thought this was Japan?”
Alexx slightly embarrassed with a partial smile on her face,
 “You have to forgive him, he has had a nasty knock on the head Sir.”
Old Man, “I see. The place where he got this knock is that where he lot his shirt and shoes as well?”
Alexx smiles even more nervously, “uh, yeah, that’s right. It sure is.”
Chance, “You suck at lying. Rude and a terrible liar with a temper. You should be reprogrammed.”
Alexx standing up yelling at Chance, “I am not a robot!”
Chance not paying her anger any attention, “yeah yeah, whatever, I mean lying is bad and all, but what if you have to lie to save someone, you would get them killed lying like that.”
Clint starts laughing, “He thinks you are machines? How innocent.”
Alexx sits down with a frown on her face.
Clint continues, “I am named after an immortal hero that was loved by many and feared by all evil in the ancient western world.”

Chance stops eating and looks at the old man waiting
for him to say.
“Master Clint Eastwood”
Chance coughs out the food in his mouth, “What?!”
Everyone looks at him.
“Clint Eastwood? You not serious? Legendary Hero? Gee I guess Mel Gibson is an immortal huh?!”
George, “Mel Gibson? That is the name of the World’s leading Psychiatric Hospital Corporation“
James adding on, “Yeah, they are the lead in research of mental breakdowns and schizophrenias”
Chance, “That actually makes sense.”
Later outside the restaurant Chance is dressed in a black ghee with rectangular buttons going up the mid breast area and several on the cuffs.
“Thanks for the cloths old man.”
James yells, “He is Master Clint or Master Eastwood, you rude moron!”
Clint, “well, I am not calling him either of those! He doesn’t seem to care. Why do you?!”
George with a frustrated look on his face, “we should be going now.”
A few moments later, they are walking down a side walk.
Chance, “that was pretty good, we have to go there again, the old man was nice.”
Alexx, “You eat like a cyber whale.”
Chance in rebuttal, “Hey I have been sleeping for a thousand years or so, that will make anyone pretty hungry!”
Suddenly huge bright lights shine on them.
Trying to shield their eyes but it is still blinding Alexx and George. Appears to have no effect on Chance.
A voice form a loud speaker, “Alexx and George Zungchi, you are not being detained, you may leave.”
Chance begins to frown as he looks up at the voice through the spotlights.

“Unknown humanoid, we have questions for you. Come with us willingly or fight here and die. You decide.”
Chance is looking up with no words spoken.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Volume I, Chapter II: "Wake Up!"

Alexx is looking up at Roger and Norman, standing at the doorway almost blocking it.

Roger, from a top Norman, “Hey Guy, you okay? You have a hole in your stomach.”

Guy sitting up on the ground holding his stomach, “No, I’m not okay, she shot me! where she get skin piercers from anyway?!”

Roger scratching his head, “hmmm, I don’t know Guy, do you want me to ask her? Maybe she has more of them.”

Alexx is griping her guns while watching this conversation, She slightly turns her head to see any sign of George behind her.

Guy getting angry, “No you idiot, just kill her!”

Roger, “well okay but, how we gonna get the bullets then?”

Norman begins to walk towards Alexx.  Roger jumps off his back and does a flip then lands directly in front of Alexx.

“Alexx, why are you doing this? You have med-tech not soldier-tech or defense-tech. you cannot hope to survive fighting us.”

He looks into her face as she still has her shades on.

“I see, it is for him then, okay.”
He slaps her without her being able to react she falls several feet away. Roger has her shades in his other hand.
Her face is bruised but young looking with eyes similar to George. She spits out blood and begins to stand back up.

Roger, “no.”

He kicks her off the ground then punches her back to the floor. Norman begins to turn in their direction. Roger holds his palm up as if to motion “stop”.
Norman stays in place.

Alexx is holding her ribs and coughing up more blood. “shit. eat shit.”

Roger, “not nice. that is very rude Alexx.”

He raises his hand to deliver a killing blow.

Suddenly an explosion occurs where George is located, it sends dust and debris near them.

Alexx, “George!”
she tries to get to her feet, as she gets to one knee. Roger kicks her back down.

Moments earlier.

George is still downloading information to his wrist.

Voice awaken update. Awaken in 1 micro.

George, “shit! what is the danger level, what is it?”

Voice, “request repeat of danger level results: granted. Current danger Level of Subject C-2676 is 15”

George is trying to disconnect from the panel, looking down at a shadow, “shit.”

Voice, “subject C-2676, is awake. Take needed precautions.”

George turns around to look up at the figure casting the shadow.
It is a tall muscular young man with dark colored skin and long wet tangled hair the color of coal. His eyes and face are shadowed by the light from behind him. He is looking down directly at George without saying a word.

Voice, “emergency, diagnostic result of system predict.”

George his grabbed by the coat, “wait, wait!”

The room explodes.


Alexx is at Roger’s feet while Guy has walked over to the side leaning against a crate. Norman is till looking on without getting involved.

Roger, “Alexx that makes two brothers now doesn’t it?”

Alexx, “shut up.”

Roger, “In no position to give orders. I will kill you now.”

George’s voice coming from the shadows, “I don’t think so Roger. I think you should leave now. That will be my only warning to you. If you stay i cannot promise your safety.”

Alexx looking up at George, “Shut up, what are you doing? Run get out. leave me here.”

George, “Never. Your my sister, who is gonna cook when your gone?”

Guy frustrated, “enough of this hole in my stomach won’t stop me from snapping your neck."
He starts running towards George. He goes into the shadows and Guy follows.

Shortly after, Guy comes flying back out landing outside the warehouse without his coat and jeans.
George comes from the shadows unharmed, rubbing his hands. “thanks for the warm up.”

Roger, “Interesting. Now Norman.”
Norman starts walking towards him, George slowly backs into the shadows.
Moments after Norman follows him, a big crash and sounds of things breaking occur from the shadows.

Alexx, “George, no.”

Roger looks at Alexx, “his luck ran out.”

George, “you still here? You should leave.”

Roger, “Now it is annoying, how are you alive? Norman is stronger than 12 of you little man. No chance for you to overtake him. Trigger”

He leaves Alexx and is suddenly there with George. He has the blade of his gunsword at his throat, while holding him by his coat. Eyes glowing yellow.

Roger, “no more hiding in the shadows, i will end you now.”

He pulls back to swing, he swings and blood splatters on the floor.
Roger is looking shocked as well. It is a tall slender yet muscular kid with the trench coat and jeans from  Guy. He has dark skin with a huge wet afro hanging down past his shoulder blades. He is young maybe twenty-three or four. He has a slash across his chest where Roger slashed him. Although It is healing at an extremely fast rate before their eyes.

Roger steps back, “who are you.”

The stranger looks at him, “No hurt him.”

George, “tried to tell you.”

George looks at the stranger, and thinks to himself, {amazing he is already healed from that slash like it never happened. That blade goes through bone and metal it should have chopped him in half.}

Alexx, “George?”

George runs over to her and tries to help her up.

“let’s go sis, we gotta get you outta here.”
Alexx, “Who is that guy and why is wet and sexy and muscular and..”
George yelling, “Hey I am right here you know, I don’t wanna here my undersexed sister fantasize about a naked stranger!”
Alexx, “He isn’t naked, but anyway shut up I am not fantasizing. Just help me up, A good two days and the med tech will have me up and running.”
Roger, “you should be dead, you don’t have any tech. how did u survive this blade?”

Stranger, “Leave, alone. No, hurt him.”
 Turns away from Roger to follow George and Alexx. Suddenly he has the blade coming from his stomach. Roger has ran him through with the blade.

George and Alexx see this. Stranger stands there. He looks down at the blade and strikes Roger so hard he flies through the side wall.

George, “hey What’s wrong with you?! pull it out!”

Stranger looking at George and looking down, “pull it..pull it... out!’

He falls to the ground rolling and screaming hysterically.

“What the hell is this doing in my stomach?! Where the hell am I?!”

Alexx and George look at each other confused and shrug their shoulders.

Stranger, “Hey you two don’t just sit there hugging! Call 911!”
They both turn their attention back to the stranger.
George comes over and grabs the handle, “hold still.”

Stranger, “what? hold still? are you crazy? don’t touch that!"
 George yanks it out.

“Shit, hey you little bastard, what’s wrong with you?!”

George is holding the gun-sword across his shoulder. Looking at the stranger yelling at him..
“Excuse me.”
George points at the stranger’s stomach.
The stranger  stops for a moment then looks down , seeing the scar is gone.

Stranger, “oh well, uhm.”
He scratches his head.
“oh okay, that‘s weird.”
He stands up.

Suddenly Roger comes form the shadows and grabs George and throws him over with his sister.

Stranger, “hey that was unnecessary don’t you think?”

George and Alexx are laying knocked out.

Stranger put his hand out, “Chance. My name is Chance. You are?”

Roger stares at hand then ignores it, “that is of no concern to you.”

He picks up the gunsword and puts it in Chances face.

“do you see what I am holding?”

Suddenly it is out of his hand and ion Chances hand

“Well i must admit i have never held anything like this before, but i know what it is. I remember now, a gunsword right? I mean i think it is, when i saw this it was just a drawing on a designers table.”

Roger, “You are mistaken. They were designed over a thousand years ago. Now if you will?”
Roger is holding his hand out for his weapon to be returned to him.
Chance, “Hmm, oh. Okay, here you go.”
He tosses it to him.
  “A thousand years huh, exaggerating a little aren’t you?”

Roger, “I am going to kill you and them, that sir is no exaggeration, I assure you.”
He poses his body as if ready to full fill his promise.

Chance looks at Roger, then George and Alexx knocked out on the ground.
Chance suddenly starts grabbing hi head and moving as if confused or hearing a loud noise.

“kill them? Kill, him. You,  hurt George”
Chance stops moving, lowers his head and arms then coldly speaks,
“that was a mistake".

Roger smiles.

Moments later.

George and Alexx wake up to see Chance looking at them.

Chance, “hey i am Chance, how are you guys doing?”

Alexx looks at Chance, then notices no pain.

“what happened?”

George looks at Chance, “You killed Roger?”

Chance smiling, “Kill? No he is over there.”

They see Roger knocked out in a pile with, Norman and Guy.

As Both siblings get up they notice they are not at the compound.

Alexx, “How did we get across the street?”

Chance, “oh well i carried you of course, you were in no shape to run. And we aren’t across the street were across town.”

Alexx and George, “across town?!”

they look around he is correct they are at  a small vacant lot. There is smoke coming from across town.
George looking at the smoke, “you said run, why would we run?”

Chance, “oh well the building had some sort of old bombs in there or something and when the back room exploded they were engaged. I had to carry everyone out of range of the blast.”

Alexx looking around and then looking at the Steel Dragons, “we have to get out of here.”

Back at what used to be the warehouse, there is a man standing in front of a blue and white D-tech. He is right outside what the remains of the fence. It is reduced to small rocks and almost nothing is left of the building and giant metal crates surrounding it. He has a long black coat on that is buttoned up, with brown short cut hair. he is wearing black boots and shades. He removes the shades and his eyes glow yellow and scan the area, he sees images of  what happened earlier.
He focuses on Chances’ image and pulls it in close so that they are eye to eye.

Man, “Looks like we got a live one.”

Volume I, Chapter I: "George and Guy"

   It is a dark and clear night in Old Japan. This City is named Dingo-Xiao, named during the “Great Merge” of Australia and Japan Centuries ago. It was once a Mecca of joint contributions from both lands in technology and friendship. Now it is a regular city no more important than the other high tech cities in United Japan. It is full of buildings that were used for something important at one time. Now they are just useless abandoned buildings adopted by the natives. some are head quarters for the gangs here, some are havens for the unwanted of society and others, are a means for escape.

An old warehouse, it seems to have 3 separate floors of windows that are broken and others are boarded up. it is surrounded by huge metal boxes, used for shipping over seas. the yard is surrounded by a tall stone fence but it has a few small holes in it as well as no gate.

A youth suddenly turns a corner running full speed. He has a white t-shirt on with a blue flight jacket over it, with blue jeans and tan boots. His left hand appears to be metal. He has a blue ball cap turned to the back with black unkempt hair sticking form the front and sides.

This kid is one of the many orphaned kids of  Dingo-Xiao, his name is George, George is 14, doesn’t go to school often but is no dummy by any means . He is very active and kind. George is running because he  just pissed off this Guy. His name is actually “Guy”.

See a tall muscular but not overly huge male. Dress in a long brown trench coat with the sleeves torn off, exposing his tattoos of a  silver dragon going down both arms with red eyes, he also wearing black gloves. He has dark blue jeans with black boots on that have multiple buckles on them. He has red spiked hair and a white head band that says “No Escape” in black tied around his forehead.

Guy, “Come back here mate, I just wanna talk with you.”

George is running towards the entrance of the warehouse compound, “No thanks you look like a boy toucher!”

Guy, still in pursuit, “what? I ain’t no boy toucher! You just wait.”

He follows George into the yard. George is looking for a place to hide. Looking left and right he decides to go through a hole in the building. He hears Guy out side looking for him.

Guy, “Make it easier on yourself mate, come on out. Wouldn’t want you to get hurt like last time would we?”

George looks at his left arm and rubs it, then looks at the palm of his hand. He looks up with a determined look on his face.

Guy is coming around the front of the warehouse where the door is. he puts his hand on the huge metal door.
“You think this door is gonna stop me form getting you, George? It won’t, i am tired of playing with you George. Activate.”
When he says this the eyes on his tattoos pulsate with light. the dragon itself starts to spread all over his arms forming a layer metal skin. Guy’s eyes begin to turn red with no pupils.

George is inside the warehouse backing up from the door, he is several yards away from it. The only light inside is from broken windows and holes in the ceiling and walls. He doesn’t look scared more like preparing for what is to come.

The door explodes off the hinges and falls in two separate directions, landing on the floor. The doorway casts a light leading up to George with guy’s shadow in the middle. Guy is standing there with his arm extended after punching the door.
He stares George in the eyes and George does not flinch. Suddenly he starts charging George.

George raises is left arm straight up his hand disappears into a shadow. Guy is still charging him, he then  pulls down a chord that was hanging just above his head.
it seems to be attached to a cable that kept some large boxes secured. They fall on top of Guy before he can react. Burying him completely.

George picks up a metal rod that roll away from the crashed debris. He begins to run towards the pile.
“you bastard!”

Guy’s arm erupts out of the debris and grabs George by the collar of his jacket.
“you little snake, did you think that could stop a Steel Dragon? Your a fool for what you did to my bike.”

George, “not scared of you or any Steel Dragon! Your all cowards, beating on the weaklings of the city.”

Guy pulls him closer, “like you? don’t worry your demise will be the next message your sister gets.”

he pulls his other hand back and a blade extends from his wrist stretching past his palm.
George stays himself and gets ready for the strike.

From behind  Guy. “what message are you going to deliver to me?”

In the door way is a female with a red cap similar to George’s on top of long slender black dreads in a pony tail. here skin is slightly tan, she is wearing shades, a red half jacket with her sleeves rolled up revealing metal arms with white gloves. She has a pink shirt on tucked into form fitting blue jeans. Wearing knee high red boots with two pink buckles on each. Her name is Alexx, she is Georges sister. Lucky for him.

Guy looking pissed throws George back into the shadows. Alexx looks at this but doesn’t lose focus of Guy.

Guy, “Alexx, i was just gonna do you a favor. You know that kid is nothing but dead weight.”

He slowly is walking towards Alexx.
Alexx, “my brother is, my brother. No more no less.”

Guy points at her, “he is the reason you have tech on your body.”

Alexx, “you have tech as well Guy.”

Guy, “by choice as a Steel Dragon, now let this be. just walk away. If you get involved you know what will happen.”

Alexx slightly smiles, “Go.”

Several different colored lights start to flash on  her arms a flash of blue light emits from behind her shades. She is suddenly right in front of Guy. they are crossing arms. he is blocking her and she is blocking his wrist blade.

In the back of the warehouse is a room that has a small hole in the wall that George made. He is laying on top of a giant glass and metal casket. the room has many of them lining the wall, the others are standing. it is obvious he knocked it over when he crashed through.

George, “ouch, i hate that guy. now where am i?”

he looks at the wall he crashed through holding his metal arm.

“wow, good thing i came through with the left side. that wall looks like it was cemented over. weird.”
The room starts flashing red and white lights and a voice speaks.

Voice, “This is the  auditory warning system. Damage to subject C - 2676, stasis chamber 7.”

George looks down at the chamber  and reads “7” , then jumps off of it.

Voice, “emergency disconnect to save the other subjects is initiated. warning subject will be immediately awaken no sedation, warning subject may have awaken craze. danger level for this subject considering current status of human ability and technology is level 1.”

George, “Awaken craze what the hell is that?”

He rolls up his right sleeve to reveal a small touch screen. He types AWAKEN CRAZE into it.

A small voice emits from his wrist, “Awaken Craze. Definition To be suddenly awaken from prolonged stasis without virtual education for adjustment to environment. subject will have only survival instincts until he forms level 4 thought patterns or is sedated.”

George, with his back to the chamber, “great a crazy thawed out old guy.”

He walks up to a dusty control panel with flashing lights and pulls a cord from his wrist computer. On the screen it says DOWNLOADING.

Alexx is being struck by Guy with the back of his hand. She slides back in a ready stance.
 She jumps up then pulls two small guns from her back that were under her jacket. She begins firing rapidly.

Guy dodging, he is running from the trail of bullets behind him, “Shooting? Are you crazy? Your gonna bring the J.U.P. stupid girl!”

He dodges and dodges until he gets to her, right before he slashes her she leans and shoots him in the stomach. he rolls on to the floor near the doorway.

Guy, “dammit, your gonna pay for this!”

Alexx  just looks and says nothing.

A huge shadow is cast over her and Guy.

George is still in the room.

“awakening in ten micros, subject C- 2676.“

George , “okay, I mean he is a level 1 threat, no problem”

Voice, “Warning. Upon final scan, unexplained mutations have been discovered within subject C-2676. Upon genetic assessment of the subjects current physical  statistics, a new threat measurement has been made.”

Moments earlier.

Alexx is facing a Giant figure dressed in a black sleeveless shirt exposing his metal arms, with black spiked gloves. On his side is a wide blade with a pistol shaped handle, that appears to have two barrels on it. his pants are red with black boots. He is bald of a pale complexion, with a Steel Dragon tattoo reaching across his forehead from ear to ear.
On his shoulders is a smaller male, that has similar tattoos on his arms as Guy. He has long black hair that is not tide down, wearing brown pants and black athletic shoes. Of a darker skin tone almost pecan like, also has a sword on his back. It is long and narrow with a long blue hilt that has a gold tassel hanging from it. They are Roger and Norman. They are NOT here to help Alexx.