Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Volume I, Chapter III: Welcome Home

This is the north side of Dingo-Xiao, referred to as the “Good Side” of the city. While it is true that it has the lowest crime rate in the city, it is not the richest by far or the most ideal. The low crime rate is due to the fact that a stronghold of the Strife is here. They take up the majority of the housing here, while the rest are older people and families.
Strife is the Emperor’s Private military force. They have the best men, tech drones, escorts and other weapons of all factions in this country and most of the world. They are listed under J.U.P. publicly but politically they are only answer to the Imperial Command System, ICS for short.
Strife does not handle the day to day problems of any city. Their strongholds are located around the country for strategic purposes only. They have immunity form Judicial affairs unless on an Imperial level. Although they are feared, they pose no threat to the local crime syndicates and hard heads. That is strictly for the J.U.P.
The J.U.P. is the Japan United Police, solely responsible for upholding the law and safety of the people in all of Japan United. So the public relations companion says.
We see George and Alexx walking with Chance behind them. He has his head slightly down, whit his hands in his coat pockets. His hair is partly  dry so it looks poofy yet slightly blowing in the wind.
George, “so are you stay quiet the whole day?”
Alexx knocks George on his head with her hand.
“Ouch” George rubs his head on top of his cap.
Alexx, “You idiot, your so insensitive. We just told him that every person he ever knew or cared about is dead. Plus the whole world is nothing like before.”
George with a confused look, “yeah, so?”
Alexx calmly, “your a moron.”
George, “whatever, i just wanna know how he did all that stuff back there  without any tech. He was probably a government experiment gone bad then they had to ice em to keep him from destroying the world. But now he lost his memory so we gotta show him the importance of humanity.”
Alexx, “George, sometimes i swear.”
Chance out of nowhere, “hey do you guys still eat ?”
George, “of course we eat, what kinda question is that?”
Alexx,” be nice George.”
Chance, “ well i mean aren’t you guys fancy robots or something?”
They both stop and look at Chance.
Chance i mean you both got those robot body parts and stuff.”
Together they respond, “What? We are not robots!”
Chance stops walking , “oh . well your what cyborgs or something like that?”
Alexx is rushing towards Chance but George is standing in front of her.
George, “Calm down he is just confused, it is probably the awaken sickness.”
Chance, “Gheez is this cyborgs act in the future? Your awfully rude, who programmed you?”
Alexx, “what?”
George is now holding Alexx back by her shirt as she tries to get Chance.
Chance gets distracted by something and begins to ignore the siblings as they argue.
He is looking around as if searching for something and then.
Chance, “There!”
Alexx and George stop and look at Chance, “huh?”
Chance grabs George and Alexx, then jumps into the air.
George, What are you doing?”
Alexx, “put me down you caveman!”
Chance tunes out their ranting and raving. soaring through the air.
Soon he lands on a rooftop.
Chance, “Yes, i knew it.”
He jumps with the two ranting again.
He lands on the street in front of a small building.
There is a short old man in front of it.
Alexx, “What was all that about you jerk!”
She is in his face yelling.
He calmly responds, “I’m hungry.  I thought you got the hint. Ok well, I guess machines
wouldn’t understand the concept of hunger.”
Alexx calmly, “I give up.”
George, “Uhm, what is this place?”
Old man dressed in a long brown robe, no more than five feet tall. “This is Ancient Chow, food made from the histories of old countries of he past.“
Chance is smelling the air, “C’mon!”
Alexx, “If you grab me one more time i will cut your arms off.”
Chance, “Gee your grouchy. well anyway, see you guys inside.”
He darts inside.
George, “hey wait I’m hungry too!”
Chance yelling from inside, “No your not, robots don’t need food!”
George before as he runs inside, “I’m not a robot!”
Chance, “Sorry, I mean cyborg.”
Alexx, “Oh, brother.”
She walks inside behind them. soon as she gets inside The place full of Steel Dragons. chance is staring at food at a buffet bar and George is trying to get his attention.
Chance, “Hey they got pizza, it’s pepperoni!”
Alexx yells, “Steel Dragons!”
Chance, “hmm? Steal, why? You don’t have any money?”
Alexx, “no, look!”
She points, to gt Chance to turn around. he sees a man dressed in a all black ghi, right behind him. He has a dragon tattoo on the left side of his face.
Chance, “great, i want a lemonade with my buffet, of and do you have ribs or french fries.
George, “Chance, That’s.”
Chance, “okay, okay make it three. Silly little guy thinks he can eat human food. Ha, ha”
The guy is looking at Chance confused.
The old man comes in, “Is there a problem James?”
James, “No sir, there is no problem. He thinks i am a waiter.”
Alexx, “you were about to take him!”
Chance, “Attack me?”
James, “attack me?”
He smiles and shows her a plate in his hand.
“I was coming for seconds, the chili dogs are awesome, mate!”
Chance, “Chili dogs? I love this place! I want 3 no 4 of them!”
Alexx and George look at each other confused.
Moments later, Alexx is sitting at a huge table with George, the old man, James and Chance.
Alexx and the old man are engaged in conversation while the others are stuffing there faces.
Alexx talking to the old man, “So these guys are not Steel Dragons?”
Old Man, “No, no. Of course not. They once tried or was forced into joining but realized it wasn’t the best decision.”?
Alexx, “So they just quit? But it isn’t that easy you know?”
She looks down at her metal arm and hand.
James stopping eating for a moment to intervene.
“Master Cline helped us out, he is great.”
He continues to eat.
Chance stops eating now, “Clint? What’s with these names? I thought this was Japan?”
Alexx slightly embarrassed with a partial smile on her face,
 “You have to forgive him, he has had a nasty knock on the head Sir.”
Old Man, “I see. The place where he got this knock is that where he lot his shirt and shoes as well?”
Alexx smiles even more nervously, “uh, yeah, that’s right. It sure is.”
Chance, “You suck at lying. Rude and a terrible liar with a temper. You should be reprogrammed.”
Alexx standing up yelling at Chance, “I am not a robot!”
Chance not paying her anger any attention, “yeah yeah, whatever, I mean lying is bad and all, but what if you have to lie to save someone, you would get them killed lying like that.”
Clint starts laughing, “He thinks you are machines? How innocent.”
Alexx sits down with a frown on her face.
Clint continues, “I am named after an immortal hero that was loved by many and feared by all evil in the ancient western world.”

Chance stops eating and looks at the old man waiting
for him to say.
“Master Clint Eastwood”
Chance coughs out the food in his mouth, “What?!”
Everyone looks at him.
“Clint Eastwood? You not serious? Legendary Hero? Gee I guess Mel Gibson is an immortal huh?!”
George, “Mel Gibson? That is the name of the World’s leading Psychiatric Hospital Corporation“
James adding on, “Yeah, they are the lead in research of mental breakdowns and schizophrenias”
Chance, “That actually makes sense.”
Later outside the restaurant Chance is dressed in a black ghee with rectangular buttons going up the mid breast area and several on the cuffs.
“Thanks for the cloths old man.”
James yells, “He is Master Clint or Master Eastwood, you rude moron!”
Clint, “well, I am not calling him either of those! He doesn’t seem to care. Why do you?!”
George with a frustrated look on his face, “we should be going now.”
A few moments later, they are walking down a side walk.
Chance, “that was pretty good, we have to go there again, the old man was nice.”
Alexx, “You eat like a cyber whale.”
Chance in rebuttal, “Hey I have been sleeping for a thousand years or so, that will make anyone pretty hungry!”
Suddenly huge bright lights shine on them.
Trying to shield their eyes but it is still blinding Alexx and George. Appears to have no effect on Chance.
A voice form a loud speaker, “Alexx and George Zungchi, you are not being detained, you may leave.”
Chance begins to frown as he looks up at the voice through the spotlights.

“Unknown humanoid, we have questions for you. Come with us willingly or fight here and die. You decide.”
Chance is looking up with no words spoken.

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